Sacred Seasons

by Selah Cohen.



A shofar beckons,

Shed the corrosion of months past.”

Imbibe just one sip of His new wine, behold the scrumptious banquet.

His banner over you is love, precious Bride.

Toast to His faithfulness on the mountaintops…

and His comfort in the chasms.

His nearness in the arid and the blooming seasons alike.

Effervescent Hope sprouts anew, persists to crack the bedrock of heartbreak…

delving to the nourishing soil of accepted Redemption.


Enter in and worship His holiness.

Wear the robe of triumph: His atonement for all.

Our days are but a breath.

Precious seconds

Minute memories.

Holy hours.

Sacred seasons.

Time is short, drink deeply.

Live the new offering well.



May you be inscribed in His book of Life and bask in His sweetness this year! Chag Sameach (A good feast!) and L'shanah tova! (A good new year!) May you have a blessed Rosh Hashana (New Year)!


Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up..." (Isaiah 43:18)


Dedicated to the memory of a man who selflessly poured out of himself generously and passed into glory in the blink of an eye. Thank you for the reminder that each moment is a gift to be unpacked and treasured.